
  • Tamara S. Ryabokon Інститут геологічних наук НАН України, Київ, Україна



Ключові слова:

стратиграфія, олігоцен, Північне Причорномор’я, Український щит, південь України


Наведено опис місцевих стратиграфічних підрозділів (борисфенської, молочанської, сірогозької, асканійської, горностаївської світ) стратиграфічної схеми олігоценових відкладів Північного Причорномор’я та прилеглої частини Українського щита, який складено за результатами узагальнення та аналізу літолого-палеонтологічної інформації, використання біостратиграфічних розробок за різними групами мікро- і макрофосилій, а також сучасних стратиграфічних уявлень. Дослідження проведеноз дотриманням вимог Стратиграфічного кодексу України (2012 р.). У схемі, що пропонується, прийнято сучасну Міжнародну стратиграфічну шкалу (2012-2015 рр.) і модернізовану регіональну стратиграфічну шкалу палеогену Південної України (2013 р.). Наведено історію виділення та літолого-палеонтологічна характеристика борисфенської, молочанської, сірогозької, асканійської, горностаївської світ, відомості про їх стратотипові розрізи. Обгруновано кореляцію цих світ з ярусами олігоцену Міжнародної стратиграфічної шкали. Досліджено синонімію і гомонімію різнорангових стратиграфічних підрозділів олігоцену регіону, що розглядається.


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Andreeva-Grigorovich A.S., Gruzman A.D., Konenkova I.D., 1993. Correlation of Oligocene deposits of the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Northern Black Sea region based on planktonic microorganisms. Paleontological collection (Paleontolohichnyi zbirnyk), no 29, pp. 73-78. (In Ukrainian).

Andreeva-Grigorovich A.S., Grusman A.D., 1996. The lower boundary of the Neogene of the Western (Central) and the Eastern Paratethys. Ibid., no 31, pp. 67-76. (In Ukrainian).

Atlas dinocysts of Paleogene of the Ukraine and adjacent countries, 2011. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 224 p. (In Russian).

Akhmetyev M.A., Benyamovskiy V.N., 2003. Stratigraphic scheme of marine Paleogene of south of European Russia. Bulletin of Moscow Society Naturalists, Geological Ser. (Bjulleten Moskovskogo obshhestva ispytatelej prirody. Otdel geologicheskij), vol. 78, issue 5, pp. 40-51. (In Russian).

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Veselov A.O., 1962. New data about stratigraphic position of beds with corbulida fauna from the Oligocene deposits of the Northern Black Sea Region. Geological Journal (Geologichnyj zhurnal), vol. 22, issue 3 (84), pp. 98-100. (In Ukrainian).

Veselov A.A., 1965. Biostratigraphy of Oligocene deposits of south Ukraine. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis in geol.-mineral. sci., Lvov, 24 p. (In Russian).

Veselov A.A., 1969. On the boundary of Paleogene and Neogene in south Ukraine. In: The Neogene stratigraphy of Moldova and south Ukraine. Kishinev, pp. 33-55. (In Russian).

Veselov A.O., Grygorovich A.S., 1971. New data about the Paleogene upper boundary in the Black Sea Region Depression. Reports of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, Ser. B (Dopovidi AN URSR. Serija B), no 7, pp. 581-583. (In Ukrainian).

Veselov A.O., Kraeva Ye.Ya., 1963. Stratigraphy of the Oligocene deposits of the North-Eastern Black Sea Region. Geological Journal (Geologichnyj zhurnal), vol. 23, issue 4 (93), pp. 39-49. (In Ukrainian).

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Veselov A.O., Nosovskyi M.F., 1962. To the discovery of paleontologically characterized deposits of the Upper Oligocene in the Black Sea Region Depression. Ibid., no 7, pp. 952-953. (In Ukrainian).

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Zelinskaya B.A., Kraeva E.Ya., 1969. To stratigraphy of the Upper Eocene and Oligocene deposits of Ukraine. Geological Journal (Geologicheskij zhurnal), vol. 29, issue 5 (128), pp. 63-74. (In Russian).

Zernetskiy B.F., Ryabokon T.S., 2013. Paleogene regiostages of the Southern Ukraine. Paleontological Collection (Paleontolohichnyi zbirnyk), no 45, pp. 37-53. (In Ukrainian).

Zernetskiy B.F., Ryabokon T.S., Lyulyeva S.A., 2016. Paleogene Regional stages of the Southern Ukraine. In: The 100th anniversary of Russian Paleontological Society. Problems and perspectives of paleontological research: Proceedings of the LXII session of Paleontological Society (4-8 April 2016). St.-Petersburg: VSEGEI Publ., pp. 66-68. (In Russian).

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Zosimovich V.Yu., Zernetskiy B.F., Andreeva-Grigorovich A.S., Lyulyeva S.A., Maslun N.V., Ryabokon T.S., Shevchenko T.V., 2005. Paleogene regiostages of platform Ukraine. In: Biostratigraphic criteria of subdivision and correlation of the Phanerozoic deposits of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works of the Institute of Geological Sciences NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv, pp. 118-132. (In Ukrainian).

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Zosimovich V.Yu., Ryabokon T.S., Kniazkova I.L. et al., 2012. New data on stratigraphy of the Paleogene deposits of the Eastern Black Sea Region. In: Paleontological investigations in modernization of stratigraphic scheme of the Phanerozoic deposits: Proceedings of the XXXIV session of Paleontological Society NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, pp. 64-65.

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Konenkova I.D., 1998. Peculiarities of foraminiferes distribution in boundary deposits of the Eocene-Oligocene of the Eastern Azov Region. Ibid., no 32, pp. 5-14. (In Ukrainian).

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Kraeva Ye. Ya., 1973. Characteristic of the Upper Oligocene in the Southern Ukraine key section. Tectonics and Stratigraphy (Tektonika i stratigrafija), issue 5, pp. 40-50. (In Ukrainian).

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Kraeva Ye.Ya., Zelinska V.O., Chekhanska H.M., 1966. About the Oligocene upper limit and its faunal characteristic in the Northern Black Sea Region. Reports of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences (Dopovidi AN URSR), no 3, pp. 383-387. (In Ukrainian).

Kraeva E.Ya., Lulyeva S.A., 1985. Foraminifera and nanoplankton in boundary layers of the Eocene and Oligocene of the Southern Ukraine, their stratigraphic, correlational and facial significance. Tectonics and Stratigraphy (Tektonika i stratigrafija), issue 26, pp. 67-79 (in Russian).

Kraeva Ye.Ya., Chernov M.K., 1979. Peculiarities of composition of foraminiferes complexes in the Paleogene of the Eastern Azov Region. Reports of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences (Dopovidi AN URSR), no 10, pp. 805-807. (In Ukrainian).

Kraeva Ye.Ya., Yartseva M.V., 1973. Characteristic of the Oligocene planktonic foraminiferes of the Northern Black Sea Region. Ibid., Ser. B, no 8, pp. 693-696. (In Ukrainian).

Krasheninnikov V.A., Basov I.A., 2007. Stratigraphy of Paleogene deposits in the World Ocean and correlation with sections in continents. Moscow: Nauchnyy mir, 2007, 316 p. (Proceedings of GIN RAN; Iss. 583). (In Russian).

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Nikitina Yu.P., 1963. About the Kiev and Kharkov Stages of the Skythian platform. Bulletin of Moscow Society Naturalists, Geological Ser. (Bjulleten Moskovskogo obshhestva ispytatelej prirody. Serija geologicheskaja), vol. 38, no 1, pp. 94-107. (In Russian).

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Nosovskiy M.F., 1960. Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits of Belozersk iron-ore deposit (UkrSSR). Scientific Notes of the Dnepropetrovsk State University (Nauchnye zapiski Dnepropetrovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta), vol. 59, pp. 73-90. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., 1962. Lamellibranchis mollusks of corbula beds in the Oligocene of the Black Sea Region Depressin. Paleontological Journal (Paleontologicheskij zhurnal), no 3, pp. 29-39. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., 1963. Regarding a review of Yu.I.Selin on the article “Stratigraphy of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits of Belozersk iron-ore deposit”. Geological Journal (Geologicheskij zhurnal), vol. 23, issue 6 (93), pp. 106-109. (In Russian).

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Nosovskiy M.F., 1973. Startigraphy of the Paleogene, Lower and Middle Miocene of the Northern Black Sea Region. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis of geol.-mineral. sci., Kiev, 36 p. (in Russian).

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Nosovskiy M.F., 1992. Problems of transition interval of Oligocene – Miocene in the Euxinus region. Dnepropetrovsk, Preprint, Dnepropetrovskij universtitet, NII geologii, 55 p. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., 1993. Standart wells in the Maikop deposits on the Chongar Peninsula. Reports of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Doklady Rossijskoj AN), vol. 322, no. 2, pp. 214-215. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., 1998. The Oligocene – Miocene boundary in the key section of the Black Sea Region Depression (Southern Ukraine). Stratigrapgy and Geological Correlation (Stratigrafija. Geologicheskaja korreljacija), vol. 6, no 1, pp. 102-106. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., 1998a. Regional Startigraphic Scale of the Oligocene of Southern Ukraine. National Geology (Otechetsvennaja geologija), no 2, pp. 28-32. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., Bogdanovich A.K., 1980. The Caucasian regional stage of the Lower Miocene of the Eastern Paratethys. In: Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Northern Black Sea Region and Crimea. Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 3-9. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., Gilkman A.I., 1968. Submeridional deep faults and the main structural-facies zonation of the Northern Black Sea Region. Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Doklady AN SSSR), vol. 181, no. 4, pp. 946-949. (in Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., Konenkova I.D., Bogdanovich Ye.M., 1982. Question on division of the Oligocene deposits of the Northern Black Sea Region. In: Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Northern Black Sea Region and Crimea. Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 26-29. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., Konenkova I.D., Bogdanovich Ye.M., 1984. About the Eocene and Oligocene boundary in the south Ukraine. In: Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Northern Black Sea Region and Crimea. Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 82-88. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., Konenkova I.D., Bogdanovich Ye.M., 1985. Division of the Oligocene deposits of the Northen Black Sea Region. In: Fossils and stratigraphy of sedimentary cover of Ukraine. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, pp. 113-116. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., Pasichnyi G.V., 1965. About the Oligocene – Miocene boundary beds in the Black Sea Region Depression. Geological Journal (Geologichnyj zhurnal), vol. 25, issue 2 (101), pp. 36-43. (In Ukrainian).

Nosovskiy M.F., Savenko N.G., 1963. About stratigraphical position of sphaeroidina zone in the Majkop deposits of the Black Sea Region Depression. Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Doklady AN SSSR), vol. 148, no 5, pp. 1179-1181. (In Russian).

Nosovskiy M.F., Yartseva M.V., 1960. Paleogene deposits of the southern slope of Ukrainian crystalline massif. In: Paleogene deposits of south of the European part the USSR. Moscow: Izdatelstvo AN SSSR, pp. 173-186. (In Russian).

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Olshtynska O.P., 2013. Eocene and Early Oligocene silicoflagellates and ebridians from the Ukraine. Collection of scientific works of the Institute of Geological sciences NAS of Ukraine (Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytut heolohichnykh nauk NAN Ukrainy), vol. 6, issue 1, pp. 131-135. (In Ukrainian).

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