
  • Boris F. Zernetsky Інститут геологічних наук НАН України, Київ, Україна



Ключові слова:

біостратиграфія, кореляція, палеоцен, еоцен, крупні форамініфери, Україна


Наведено опис біостратиграфічної схеми палеогену Південної України за крупними форамініферами, яка являє собою подальший розвиток зональної стратиграфії еоценових відкладів за нумулітами Північної нумулітової провінції Г.І. Немкова (1967 р.). Качинський регіоярус верхнього палеоцену характеризують верстви Discocyclina seunesi. Бахчисарайський регіоярус нижнього еоцену – зони Operculina semiinvoluta, Nummulites crimensis і Assilina placentula в Криму та верстви з Ass. placentula у Північному Причорномор’ї. Сімферопольський регіоярус – зони N. distans, N. polygyratus, дрібних нумулітів і Ass. tenuimarginata у передгірському Криму і верстви з N. distans, Ass. exponens, N. atacicus у Північному Причорномор’ї. Верстви з N. variolarius характеризують новопавлівський регіоярус Північного Причорномор’я і південного схилу Українського щита. Їх аналогом є комплекс з N. variolarius, N. orbigny київського регіоярусу Північної України. Верстви з N. litoralis, N. concinnus, N. prestwichianus в альминському регіоярусі Північного Причорномор’я і обухівському регіоярусі Українського щита і Дніпровсько-Донецької западини. Нумулітові зони і верстви Криму і Північного Причорномор’я скорельовані із зональною шкалою за крупними форамініферами для мілководних зон палеоокеану Тетіс (Serra-Kiel et al., 1998). Границя іпрського і лютетського ярусів на півдні України проведена всередині сімферопольського регіоярусу по підошві зони N. polygyratus в Південно-Західному Криму. У Північному Причорномор’ї вона проходить в середині верств з N. distans, Ass. exponens, N. atacicus.


Andreyeva-Grigorovich A.S., 1973. Zonation of the Paleogene deposits of Bakhchisarai based on nanoplankton. Reports of Academy of Sciences of USSR. Ser. B (Dopovidi AN URSR. Seriia B), no. 3. pp. 195-197. (In Ukrainian).

Andreyeva-Grigorovich A.S., 1980. Zonation of the Paleogene deposits of Bakhchisarai based on nanoplankton. In: Cenozoic Stratigraphy of the Northern Black Sea the Region and Crimea. Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 52-60. (In Russian).

Andreyeva-Grigorovich A.S., Berezovsky A.A., Waga D.D.-O., 2003. Nanoplankton and mollusks of the Eocene deposits of the Kryvoy-Rog Iron Ore Basin. In: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Modern Biostratigraphy of Phanerozoic of Ukraine. Kiev, pp. 3-5. (In Russian).

Andreeva-Grigorovich A.S., Oleynik E.S., 2008. New findings in organic-walled phyto-plankton of the Eocene deposits from the core of the Bakhchisarai parastratotype hole. In: Biostratigraphic foundations of the stratigraphic scheme development in the Phanerozoic of Ukraine. Collection of scientific works of the Institute of Geological Sciences NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv, pp. 159-163. (In Russian).

Berezovsky A.A., 2010. Bivalvia of the Middle and Upper Eocene of the Platform Ukraine: a taxonomic revision, evolution, paleogeography and paleoecology: Extended abstracts of Doctor’s thesis in Geol. Sci., Kyiv, 40 p. (In Ukrainian).

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Bugrova E.M., Zakrevskaya E.Yu., Tabachnikova I.P., 2002. New data on the Paleogene Stratigraphy of the Eastern Crimea. Ibid, vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 83-93. (In Russian).

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Golev B.T., 1971. New data in the stratigraphic zonation of the Eocene of the Bakhchisarai District of the Crimea. Bulletin Academy of Sciences of USSR. Ger. Geol (Izvestija AN SSSR. Serija geologicheskaja), no. 9, pp. 110-121. (In Russian).

Golev B.T., 1972. Stratigraphic distribution of nummulitids and their role in the zonation of the Paleogene. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis in Geol. Sci., Leningrad, 39 p. (In Russian).

Golev B.T., Andreeva-Grigorovich A.S., 1982. Nummulitids and nanoplankton of the Belokamensk Paleogene Section (Inkerman) in the Crimea. Paleontological collections (Raleontologicheskij sbornik), no. 19, pp. 97-106. (In Russian).

Golev B.T., Andreeva-Grigorovich A.S., 1989. On the age of nummulitic limestones of the Crimea. Ibid., No. 26, pp. 23-27. (In Russian).

Golev B.T., Sovchyk Ya.V., 1971. On zonation of the Bakhchisarai section based on nummulitids. In: Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of the Cainozoic of the Gas and Oil Bearing Regions of the Soviet Union. Moscow: Nedra, pp. 56-65 (Proceedings of VNIIGaz; issue 31/39-32/40). (In Russian).

Zakrevskaya E.Yu., 1993. Assilines, operculines and ranikothalies of the Crimea and their biostratigraphic signification. Moscow: Nauka, 110 p. (In Russian).

Zakrevskaya E.Yu., 2004. Stratigraphic location of the nummulitic zones of the Crimea. In: Problems of Pharenozoic Stratigraphy of Ukraine: Collections of scientific works of the Institute of Geological Sciences NAS of UKraine. Kyiv, pp. 119-122. (In Russian).

Zakrevskaya E.Yu., 2005. Stratigraphic distribution of Larger Foraminifera in the Paleogene of the NE Peritethys. Stratigraphy and Geological correlation (Stratigrafija. Geologicheskaja korreljacija), vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 66-86. (In Russian).

Zakrevskaya E.Yu., 2007. Late Paleocene Discocyclina seunessi in the Eastern Crimea. In: Paleontological Research in Ukraine: History, Modern Status and Perspectives. Collections of Scientific works of the Institute of Geological sciences NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv, pp. 228-232. (In Ukrainian).

Zakrevskaya E.Yu., 2011. Larger foraminifers of the Paleogene of the NE Peritethys. Classification, zonal stratigraphy and paleo-geography. Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis in Geol. Sci., Moscow, 45 p. (In Russian).

Zernetsky B.F., 1980. Main stages in the evolution of the Paleogene nummulitids of Ukraine. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 140 p. (In Russian).

Zernetsky B.F., 1984. On the boundary of the Lower and Middle Eocene of the Crimea and the Black Sea Region Depression. In: Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Phanerozoic Ukraine. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1984, pp. 122-128. (In Russian).

Zernetsky B.F., 1961. New data on the distribution of the Lower Eocene nummulitids of the northern slope of the Black Sea Region Depression. Reports of Academy of Sciences of UkrSSR, Ser. B (Dopovidi AN URSR. Seriia B), no. 2, pp. 222-223. (In Ukrainian).

Zernetsky B.F., 1961a. New data on the distribution of the Middle Eocene nummulitids in the Black Sea Region Depression. Ibid., no. 7, pp. 938-940. (In Ukrainian).

Zernetsky B.F., 1974. Correlation of the Lower Tertiary deposits of the Black Sea Region Depression and the Crimea based on nummulites. Ibid., no. 2, pp. 1064-1067. (In Ukrainian).

Zernetsky B.F., 1962. Nummulites and orbitoides of the Paleogene deposits of the Black Sea Region Depression. Kyiv: Vydavnytstvo AN URSR, 74 p. (in Ukrainian).

Zernetsky B.F., 1977. First finds of the discocyclines in the Paleocene of the Crimea. In: Materials on the Cainozoic Paleontology of Ukraine. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, pp. 55-59. (In Ukrainian).

Zernetsky B.F., 2004. Biostratigraphic (zonal) scheme of the Paleogene of Ukraine based on larger foraminifers In: Problems of Phanerozoic Stratigraphy of Ukraine: Collections of scientific works of Institute of Geological sciences NAS of Ukraine. Kyiv, pp. 114-119. (In Ukrainian).

Zernetsky B.F., Lyulyeva S.A., 1994. Zonal biostratigraphy of the Paleocene of the Eastern European Platform. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 75 p. (In Russian).

Zernetsky B.F., Lyulyeva S.A., 1990. Zonal biostratigraphy of the Eocene of the European part of the USSR. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 96 p. (In Russian).

Zernetsky B.F., Lyulyueva S.A. Ryabokon T.S., 2003. An analysis of the Bakhchisarai stratotype of the Paleogene of Ukraine from the perspective of modern zonal stratigraphy. Geological Journal (Heolohichnyi zhurnal), no. 3, pp. 98-108. (In Russian).

Zernetsky B.F., Lyulyueva S.A., Ryabokon T.S., 2006. Regarding the Lower/Middle Eocene boundary. In: Geological Studies in Ukraine: Collected scientific works (in connection with the 75th anniversary of Prof. Fisunenko O.P.). Luhansk: Alma-mater Publ., pp. 42-52. (In Ukrainian).

Zernetsky B.F., Lyulyueva S.A., Ryabokon T.S., 1994. Stratigraphic and paleographic importance of the Middle Eocene microfossils of the southern slope of the Ukrainian Shield. Geological Journal (Heolohichnyi zhurnal), no. 2, pp. 32-37. (In Russian).

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Nemkov G.I., 1967. Nummulitids of the Soviet Union and their biostratigraphic importance. Moscow: Nauka, 318 p. (in Russian).

Nemkov G.I., Barkhatova N.N., 1961. Nummulites, assilines and operculines of the Crimea, Moscow: Izdatelstvo AN SSSR, 148 p. (In Russian).

Portnaya E.D., 1974. Discocyclines of the Eocene deposits of the Crimea and their biostratigraphic importance. Moscow: Izdatelstvo Moscovskogo universiteta, 174 p. (In Russian).

Guide Book. Part 1. The Crimea, 1971. HII-th European Micropaleonthological Colloquium. USSR, 149 p. (in Russian).

Resolutions of the 16th Plenary Session on the Paleogene System, 1989. Resolutions of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee and its permanent comissions (Postanovlenija Mezhvedomstvennogo stratigraficheskogo komiteta i ego postojannyh komissij), issue 24, pp. 51-54. (In Russian).

Resolutions of the Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Stratigraphic Commission on the Paleogene of the USSR on aspects of stage division of the Paleogene, 1965. Resolutions of the Interdepartmental Stratigraphic Committee and solutions of its permanent stratigraphic comissions on Paleogene and Quaternary Deposits of the USSR (Postanovlenija Mezhvedomstvennogo stratigraficheskogo komiteta i reshenija ego postojannyh stratigraficheskih komissij po paleogenovym i chetvertichnym otlozhenijam SSSR), Moscow, issue 6, pp. 53-58. (In Russian).

Stratigraphic schema of the Paleogene deposits of Ukraine (unified), 1987. (Ed. D.E. Makarenko). Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 116 p. (In Russian).

Stratigraphy of the USSR. The Paleogene System, 1975. (Eds. V.A. Grossgeym, I.A. Korobkov). Moscow: Nedra, 524 p. (In Russian).

Stratigraphy of the UkrSSR, Vol. 9. Paleogene, 1963. (Ed. V.T. Syabpyay). Kiev: Vydavnytsvo AN URSR, 319 p. (in Russian).

Shutskaya E.K., 1970. Stratigraphy, foraminifers and paleography of the lower Paleogene of the Crimea, Pre-Caucasians and Western Central Asia. Moscow: Nedra, 255 p. (In Russian).

Jarzewa M.W., 1960. Nummulites of the Paleogene of depressions of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield (Dnepropetrovsk Region). In: Paleogene deposits of the South of the European part Soviet Union. Moscow: Izdatelstvo AN SSSR, pp. 165-172. (In Russian).

Jarzewa M.W., 1960a. Nummulites of the Paleogene deposits of the Northern-Eastern slope of the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield. Ibid., pp. 143-164. (In Russian).

Jarzewa M.W., 1966. Nummulites of the Upper Eocene of the Ukrainian Shield and Western Northern Black Sea Region, Paleontological collections (Paleontologicheskij sbornik), no. 3, issue 2, pp. 3-13. (In Russian).

Jarzewa M.W. 1975. New data on nummulitids of the Kharkov Suite of the Poltava Region. In: Natural Environment and Fauna of the Past. Kiev: Naukova dumka, pp. 79-84. (In Russian).

Jarzewa M.W., Lotsch D., Nemkov G.I., 1968. Zur Nummuliten des mitteleren und hoheren Eozens der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Akad.-Verlag-Berlin. Geol. Jarhgang 17, Heft 4, S. 418-459.

Less Gy., 1998. The zonation of the Mediterranean Upper Paleocene and Eocene by Orthophragminae. Opera Dela Slov. Akad. Znan. Umetn, (IV), 34 (2), pp. 21-43.

Serra-Kiel J., Hottinger L., Caus E. et al., 1998. Larger foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Tethyan Paleocene and Eocene. Bull. Soc. geol. France, no. 169, pp. 281-299.

Zakrevskaya E.Yu., 2010. New data about nummulitids and orthophragmines in Black sea Lowland and Platformian Ukraine. In: FORAMS 2010: Intern. Symp. on Foraminifera. Bonn, p. 202.




